Blizzard is bringing 6v6 matches back to testing Overwatch 2 when it starts its next season in December. The company had previously transitioned the series to a 5v5 format, and Blizzard is now conducting these tests to find out how it can do so through a balanced new version of the classic 6v6 mode that gives each team multiple tank characters allows “to make the core game even stronger” Once again.
Game director Aaron Keller says Blizzard knows that the 5v5 format appealed to and attracted a new group of players, and the developers hope to repeat that success with the addition of 6v6 (which will not replace current formats). For a detailed description of the changes, see the director's full statement.
In July, Keller pointed out that some of the issues facing 6v6 were hero balancing, game performance, and how to ensure players could still get into games quickly when the population was between Game modes are divided into 5v5 and 6v6. A change in hero balancing is to give tanks lower survivability and make them less powerful.
Overwatch 2 In Season 14 there will be two different ways to try out 6v6; The first will use a new “Open Queue” format, requiring each six-person team to have at least one of each role (tank, damage, support) and no more than three of each role. You can also change roles spontaneously. The second 6v6 test takes place mid-season and allows you to have two of each role per team.
There will also be a 5v5 test in Season 13, where there will be a maximum of two players in each role and the tanks will be weaker than before.
My colleague Richard Lawler, who is an avid gamer, said Overwatch 2The change to , which removed one tank player from each team, made the game easier, but also “made it seem like the outcome of the game was a little too dependent on this one role.”