PUBG Corporation and Krafton have just gone and announced Project Arc, a top-down 5v5 shooter “inspired by PUBG”. To be honest with you, it looks more inspired by Rainbow Six Siege with what looks to be one team aiming to hack a crypt by breaking down defences, while the other reinforces structures to prevent them from doing that. There’s also a big emphasis on sightlines, too, where gaining or robbing an enemy team’s vision is crucial to blatting them in the head with lead. It looks interesting! If a difficult sell, given the fact it’s yet another 5vs5 shooter…
Windblown, the new co-op hack-and-slasher from Dead Cells’ developers, is out in Early Access now
Windblown looks rad. It’s an action-roguelite for 1-3 players in which you dash-and-slash in rapid combat on floating islands, and I am extremely interested in feeling its game-feel for myself. Good news! I can get my game-feelers on it now because it’s out in Early Access today.
If you watch its launch trailer below out of context however, you might be fooled into thinking it’s actually the emo second half of an Isekai anime series.
Nidhogg developer’s Ghost Bike is now called Wheel World, and there’s a new trailer
Ghost Bike, the upcoming cycling ’em up from Nidhogg makers Messhof, is now called Wheel World. The name change is designed to reflect some substantial changes to the game itself – and there’s a new trailer to show its current condition as a seemingly chill game about tinkering with bikes and riding them around pastel-coloured worlds.
Former Skyrim developer’s heavy metal open world hunting sim releases on Steam
Did you have a fine old time in Blackreach, the mazy, Dwemer-built underside of Skyrim’s sprawling mountain map? Do you like murdering Ents in slow motion? Do you want to see smells? You might be interested in The Axis Unseen, which has just launched on Steam – it’s the work of former Bethesda developer Nate Purkeypile, one of the big brains behind Blackreach.
Rime and Song Of Nunu developers Tequila cancel game and lay off staff
Ah, this makes for sore reading. Spanish developers Tequila Works have cancelled a game and made a “small” number of layoffs in the face of financial difficulties. “With deep regret, we must inform of the decision to cancel an unannounced game,” reads a post from Tequila on LinkedIn. “This tough decision means we will be … Read more