Microsoft’s new emulator could bring more games to Windows on Arm

This will allow Qualcomm's new chips to run more types of apps that don't have native ARM64 versions and previously weren't usable with emulation. It could even enable games that use AVX2 Starfield And Helldivers 2, to work under Windows on Arm. With this update, Microsoft's emulator opens support for 64-bit x86 software to use … Read more

Nintendo has reportedly shut down Ryujinx, the Switch emulator that was supposedly immune

Nintendo may have just won its battle to put the most popular Nintendo Switch emulators out of business. In March, it sued Yuzu to stop it – and now it may have convinced Yuzu's main competitor, Ryujinx, to quit too. “Yesterday gdkchan was contacted by Nintendo and offered to stop working on the project and … Read more

The Delta emulator is getting online multiplayer for Nintendo DS games

The excellent Delta emulator for iOS is getting even better: According to Delta developer Riley Testut, the app will soon get online multiplayer support for Nintendo DS games. Testut's post about the feature includes a video of a Mario Kart DS race between two people played on the emulator and it immediately took me back … Read more