No, you’re not imagining Monster Hunter Wilds’ beta combat feeling off – there’s a good reason for it

I didn’t get much further in the extremely popular beta for the haute-couture-asaurus action of Monster Hunter Wilds than perfecting the exact orange-to-white ratio of my cat. Not because I wasn’t having fun, but because I immediately started looking up GPU prices after playing for ten minutes. As such, I didn’t spend enough time with the combat to get a proper feel for it. Cultural osmosis has once again allowed me to form an uneducated take, however, and I’m getting the sense there’s been some mixed reactions re: bonk quality. According to a clip shared on X by user Blue Stigma, there’s a good reason for those misgivings. It’s all about frames, you see.

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Windblown shows how good roguelikes can be with friends

Some of the most popular roguelikes are single-player games such as Hades, BalatroAnd Dead cells are all solo titles. But Gone with the windthe new roguelike from Motion Twin, the studio that developed it Dead cellsshowed me how cool it can be to play a roguelike with other people. In Gone with the windYour character, … Read more

Eight Sleep Pod 4 Ultra review: for sale, good night’s sleep, just $4,700

Ich scherze nur halb, wenn ich sage, dass der temperaturregulierende Matratzenbezug von Eight Sleep meine Ehe verbessert hat. Eine gute Nachtruhe ist in meinem Haus schwer zu erreichen. Mir ist immer kalt, meinem Ehepartner ist heiß. Wir streiten jeden Abend um den Thermostat. Als ich zum ersten Mal ein Cover von Eight Sleep rezensierte, war … Read more

Champions Tactics: Grimoria Chronicle makes good on Ubisoft’s threat to coil out hot steaming NFT garbage straight into my innocent eyes

“Worthless,’ they’d declared. Most NFTs were ‘worthless.’ The greatest artistic movement since The Big BSoD, the greatest proof of the power of the blockchain, the very future of the whole funging Infobahn, and the hedgie soybean-counters say it’s all ‘worthless’,” once wrote the greatest living prophet of our era.

Now, in an entirely predictable case of “I am once again asking our tech overlords to watch the whole movie”, those plucky chancers at Ubisoft have lifted AliceO’s ideas wholesale, ignored her timely and cogent commentary, and released a roiling puke reservoir of NFT upchuck masquerading as a game. Thank you Ian Games for the spot. You are the Neal Stephenson to AliceO’s William Gibson, but for worthless crap. (The IGN piece has some very good context and is worth reading).

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Beyond Good & Evil 2’s new creative director wants to make it “truly unique”, but maybe just focus on finishing it

Ubisoft Montpellier’s Beyond Good And Evil 2 has been delayed so much that it has transcended the label of “vapourware”, while staunchly refusing to become “abandonware”. Announced in 2008, it has now comfortably outstripped Duke Nukem Forever as the “triple-A” game with the longest development time. I’m sure there are a few indie passion projects that have been bubbling away in the shadows for longer, but nothing on this scale. What’s less tangible than vapour? Ectoplasm? The promises of small children?

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