No More Room In Hell 2 nails the terror of being isolated in a zombie outbreak, although you can just hide on a table if you want

Ah, what a pickle I’ve gotten myself into. I need to climb down from this table if I’m ever going to meet up with my teammates and finish the game, but the stupid zombies cannot get me if I stay up here. It’s an absolute gherkin, I tell you. A real cornichonundrum.

The steel pipe in my right hand is doing a decent job of whittling them down, and the torch in my left lets me see the expressions of impotent rage on their flaky faces. Still, the pipe won’t last forever – this is videogame steel, the crumbliest steel there is. Thank god No More Room In Hell 2 doesn’t bother with the hunger or rest parts of the survival equation. I can, in theory, stay on this table forever.

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Google employees’ attempts to hide messages from investigators might backfire

As Justice Department lawyers explained in a Virginia court in recent weeks, Google employees generously described their emails as “privileged and confidential” and spoke “off the record” in chat messages, even after they had been instructed to keep their communications for investigators. This strategy could backfire if the judge in the second antitrust case against … Read more