Arkansas has enough lithium for the world’s EVs — but getting to it is the problem

According to the US Geological Survey (USGS), Arkansas has lithium reserves that could be large enough to meet all of the world's electric vehicle battery needs. It is estimated that there could be 5 to 19 million tons of lithium in southwest Arkansas. That would be enough to supply nine times the amount of key … Read more

Should devs tell people about launch bugs in advance? “It’s an interesting problem” says Starfield and Skyrim designer

How do official Bethesda bug compilation videos coinciding with a game’s launch sound? Or at least, a proper list of known bugs on day one, to preempt any compilations created by vengeful players? Skyrim Lead Designer and Starfield Systems Designer Bruce Nesmith has spoken a little about the “interesting problem” of how open developers should be about technical issues on day one, given the expectation some players have that every game should be “flawless”.

When asked by Videogamer if lists of known bugs (Nesmith throws out ‘700’ as an example for Skyrim) should be shared with fans on launch “to temper expectations,” he responded:

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Google pulled its Wear OS update for old Pixel Watches to fix a big problem

Google plans to resume rolling out Wear OS 5 for older Pixel watches “later this year,” as previously reported by Droid life. If the update broke your watch, there are ways to get it working again. Google's support site has a number of general troubleshooting steps for fixing a frozen clock, as well as instructions … Read more

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