Remedy unveil wacky co-op shooter FBC: Firebreak, set in the Control universe

Alan Wake developers Remedy have announced their very first multiplayer game, a three-person co-op shooter set in the world of Control and thereby, the Remedy Connected Universe. Previously codenamed Condor, it’s called FBC: Firebreak – and I am going to immediately recommend they shorten it to Firebreak, because that caps-into-colon combo is going to wind me up when I’m writing news posts at speed. While I’m throwing my weight around, let me also instantly rebut the pedants who are even now racing to leave a comment saying that, actually, Remedy did work on Smilegate’s multiplayer shooter CrossfireX. Yes, they did, but only the single player bits.

Anyway, Firebreak! Here’s the announcement trailer.

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What’s on your bookshelf: Remedy Entertainment, Bioshock 2, and Gone Home’s Johnnemann Nordhagen

Booked For The Week is our weekly chat with industry folk about the books they love, have loved, and are hoping to love in the future. Hello reader who is also a reader, and welcome back to Booked For The Week – our regular Sunday chat with a selection of cool industry folks about books! … Read more

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