Zero Orders Tactics is a clever turn-based god sim with a touch of From Dust

Classic god sims like Populous and Black & White teach that deities love to reach their horrible holy hands into our world and mess with us directly. They teach us to see 1-1 divine intervention in every random house fire and every lightning bolt that miraculously strikes our enemies. By contrast, the forthcoming Zero Orders Tactics teaches that god prefers to operate via covert means, because after all, personally lobbing some electricity at somebody would be inelegant. It’s far more graceful to trap them behind a mountain, instead.

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Here’s a free god sim from the Shotgun King devs in which you Build The Sun

Shotgun King developers Punkcake Délicieux have quietly rolled out another ticklish oddity in the shape of Build The Sun, a work-in-progress 2D god sim. In Build The Sun you preside over a tribe of alarming yet cute inkblot creatures, who sometimes remind me of Pikmin and sometimes, of that awful ‘roided-up panther monster from the opening stretch of Another World. Your objective is, indeed, to build the sun, because there isn’t one: the game’s pastoral pixelart world is engulfed in darkness.

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