Former Skyrim developer’s heavy metal open world hunting sim releases on Steam

Did you have a fine old time in Blackreach, the mazy, Dwemer-built underside of Skyrim’s sprawling mountain map? Do you like murdering Ents in slow motion? Do you want to see smells? You might be interested in The Axis Unseen, which has just launched on Steam – it’s the work of former Bethesda developer Nate Purkeypile, one of the big brains behind Blackreach.

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Modders are using AI to create chatty companions in Skyrim and Stardew

In Stardew Valley, Typically, you can only talk to characters a few times a day. This limitation has led to a number of mods that add things to say so players can spend more time with their virtual friends. But like many games, Stardew has recently turned to AI, resulting in the addition of a … Read more

Should devs tell people about launch bugs in advance? “It’s an interesting problem” says Starfield and Skyrim designer

How do official Bethesda bug compilation videos coinciding with a game’s launch sound? Or at least, a proper list of known bugs on day one, to preempt any compilations created by vengeful players? Skyrim Lead Designer and Starfield Systems Designer Bruce Nesmith has spoken a little about the “interesting problem” of how open developers should be about technical issues on day one, given the expectation some players have that every game should be “flawless”.

When asked by Videogamer if lists of known bugs (Nesmith throws out ‘700’ as an example for Skyrim) should be shared with fans on launch “to temper expectations,” he responded:

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Redwall meets Skyrim in this new game from Bethesda, BioWare, and Naughty Dog alumni

Why, Hawthorn, must you put in me a position where I have to balance my love of woodland fantasy against my complete exhaustion with chopping things down to build other things? There are two scurrying mammals wearing robes inside of me, and they both love Redwall, Mice And Mystics, and Mouse Guard, but might spontaneously combust if they have to craft another hatchet. A trailer, eh? Is…is that a mouse and an otter dancing on top of a table, each grasping a mug of ale in their tiny paws and dancing to fiddle music? Fine! Fine! I’m not happy about this, but Fine!

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The 88-year-old “Skyrim Grandma” isn’t doing any more gaming videos (but will keep you updated on a quilt she’s making)

Shirley Curry, aka the “Skyrim Grandma”, is no longer posting gaming videos, she’s told her viewers. An upcoming eye surgery is going to leave her recovering for some weeks and (more importantly to her) she is simply tired of playing games for an audience.

“It isn’t fun anymore,” she says in a video. “I’m tired of it. I’m bored with it, bored to death with it. So I am making the decision now – totally, finally – I am not going to be making any more gaming videos and uploading them.”

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