Hotel Story: Resort Simulation APP

Hotel Story: Resort Simulation APP Build & design your dream resort to richness! Upgrade and invest your facilities to attract special guests and tourists! Be the best hotelier! 
✔ Free to play
 ✔ Creativity is your limit! Build your dream hotel from scratch
 ✔ 300+ facilities and decors, 20+ guests to unlock!
 ✔ Multiplayer! Visit … Read more

Assassin’s Creed Shadows will reboot Assassin’s Creed’s patchy modern-day story

Put your hand up if you’d forgotten that every Assassin’s Creed game is, strictly speaking, set in the present day. I know I had. That’s not the actual distant past you’re parkouring through. That isn’t actual Renaissance architecture you’re clambering on. It’s a holographic Animus simulation, conjured from ancestral memories flash-frozen within your DNA – convenient, inasmuch as it means that any inconsistencies are your DNA’s fault, not Ubisoft’s. If the ledge-mantling animations are glitchy, that’s simply because you have bad genes.

We can both be forgiven for losing sight of Assassin’s Creed’s modern day narrative frame. Ubisoft themselves have downplayed it since the era of Desmond Miles, the watery Peter Parker figure who served as puppetmaster protagonist for AC games up to Assassin’s Creed 3. In Assassin’s Creed Shadows, however, they’re planning to bring back the modern day setting in a big way, though details are scanty.

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Showa American Story is Yakuza: Dead Souls meets Tokyo Gore Police, and it looks incredible

Some days, I wonder if every word written before a trailer is actually superfluous. It’s a visual medium, after all. What can a description achieve save to clumsily gesture at the true shape of something; a dog-eared tour brochure for a thrilling weekend spelunking in Plato’s cave? I can usually shake this feeling, but gory zombie action game Showa American Story is my breaking point. There is nothing I can impart about this thing that will not be conveyed better by allowing its new trailer to wash over you like a tide of sheer videogame. Here’s it:

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