Solitaire Travel Camping GAME

Solitaire Travel Camping GAME Play a relaxing, challenging, and Solitaire travel camping game to enrich your life! *Join the fun filled game – Start playing Solitaire Solitaire. As you play the fun filled Solitaire travel camping game, your coins and diamonds will grow! This is definitely not one of your standard card games – this … Read more

Pathologic 3 announced with time travel mechanic, due for release in 2025

Found a dead rat in my inbox this morning. When I examined the entrails it spelled out the following: PaThoLoGiC 3 aNnOuNcEd ToDaY. Ah, I see. Developers Ice Pick Lodge are working on a sequel to their infamously oppressive plague town simulator, only this time the follow-up will feature “a time-travel mechanic, allowing players to go back and see how their decisions change the lives of the townspeople.” It will also put you in the fancy-schmancy shoes of the Bachelor, a doctor fond of quoting Latin phrases, who will have the ability to order quarantines and request patrols of entire areas of town. There’s no firm release date yet, but we’re told it’ll be ready some time next year.

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UFO 50 review: a pixellated portrait of the 1980s that offers a strange sort of time travel

You can’t travel back to the 1980s. But what if I told you it was possible to gently warp your memories of that time? UFO 50 is a kart of 50 games that once existed for an old computer system, all lovingly restored by a gang of coders. The old console, of course, is a fiction. The LX-I never existed. But it’s a fun pseudo-history against which to create a grab bag of small games (some throwaway, others mighty) all designed with a distinct 80s look. It’s an exercise in adhering to an aesthetic. Like an oil painter working with a limited range of colours, the developers of this bundle have stuck to a 32-colour equivalent of the Zorn palette. Yet play a little of each game, and you start to sense the smirk of chronos. These games aren’t stuck in the past, but they are enjoying a holiday there.

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Block Travel GAME

Block Travel GAME “Block Travel” is a simple and entertaining game that is addictive while enhancing brain training and logical thinking. Remove as many blocks as possible to achieve a higher score. Master the technique of filling rows or columns to make this puzzle game easier. Activate your brain through various missions in Block Travel!🧠 … Read more

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