Apple just released the trailer for Submergedthe first immersive scripted video for the Vision Pro. Written and directed by Edward Berger, the short film is set in a World War II submarine whose crew contends with “a harrowing torpedo attack.”
The trailer for Submerged consists of behind-the-scenes footage and fisheye-like clips from the short film, as well as a voiceover from Berger, who claims that the immersive format will “change the future of filmmaking.”
Berger also says that wearing the Vision Pro “changes the way you think about storytelling.” One could see that the filming location – the confined interior of a submarine – could represent both a technical challenge to be overcome (it's difficult to film in a small space!) and a response to the separation that comes with it is accompanied by the feeling of being in a space where you can't actually move in it.
Submerged will be part of a series of new releases the company announced in July for the Vision Pro-exclusive format, including an appearance by The Weeknd and clips from the NBA All-Star Game this fall.
Previously, the immersive videos for Vision Pro were short documentary episodes in series like Prehistoric planetAdventure, or wild life, or sports roles for the MLS or NFL. The videos take up the entire field of vision and gave me the feeling of being almost right there with the people and animals.
But once you get past the whole trick, there's not much to fall back on.
Still, I love the idea of Apple applying the format to a scripted show. There's more room to play than the usual flat rectangle of a typical TV show or movie. Therefore, depending on how it's done, it may be worth rewatching several times to see what's happening at different points in the room.
Anyone who owns Apple's headset won't have to wait long to see if Berger's lofty claims hold up Submerged will be available on October 10th. As someone who is still paying off my Vision Pro, I hope he does.